Monday, April 30, 2018

S T U D E N T   S U C C E S S   S T A T E M E N T 

Image result for phillip riggs

Four Success Tips from Phillip Riggs

1. Work Hard.
2. Follow your passions. Do things you are interested in doing.
3. Don't chase after money.
4. Serve others. Do good things for others, and good things will come to you.

First off, I really agree with what he is saying here. Usually most individuals work only for the money. Truthfully it seems that that is all life is, payment and debt, its all just money. We all have dreams ever since a kid, we all want to be something in the world. Something we were truly passionate about. Over the years of existing on this planet, our hopes to one day achieve that dream of ours slowly dies for our procrastination and everything we are responsible at the moment really seems to across what we are trying to achieve. And you end up at an office, isolated, only to one day thinking to yourself, if I ever did reach my dream would I be happier then? To answer truthfully, you would be. Yeah, you are getting paid well but, was it ever really something you've wanted to do or be? You gotta push yourself from the start in order to achieve everything needed for that dream to be a reality.

T E E N   C H A L L E N G E S

  1. Several challenges teens deal with today is depression, bullying, drug use, academic problems, and peer pressure.
  2. Two major challenges I'm dealing with today is well of course some stress and peer pressure. What I am trying to do about my major challenges is really try to be more productive with myself, not leave things to the last minute, stop procrastinating, and have breaks here and there. Also to always focus on myself and my goals and always push myself in order to reach them.
  3. Being a CTR person helps in my everyday challenges by always opening up a new perspective to see things that may be bothering me, and doing the correct way of doing things.
  4. I can help other teens with their problems by always being there for them whenever they need, even if I'm not completely their friend, I'm willing to help and direct them into a new way, a good way to overcome.
Image result for teens
     6. The greatest need that teens have today is well, friends. Friends are mostly needed in teens because trust me, when it comes to the age of it majority of teens think that parents don't understand and what not. So they turn to friends. Then again, it should be friends that direct you to something great. 

Thursday, April 26, 2018

S T U D E N T   S U C C E S S   S T A T E M E N T

"Being a c-t-r person isn't always easy, but it's the best person you can be."
- Diana Beltran

What this quote means is that there are many people you can be in this world, and what better person to be than someone who always chooses the correct way. It is better than going the wrong way in life and letting it go to a pit full of mistakes and wrongs. Not letting anything dragging your attention away from going the right way in your decisions, no distractions as hard as it seems to avoid them. Always make the best out of everything for yourself. As difficult as it seems, always choose the right upon everything. 

Friday, April 20, 2018

S T U D E N T   S U C C E S S    S T A T E M E N T

Image result for wilford woodruff

Wilford Woodruff

"Nothing is ever gained in doing what's wrong."

What this statement means is that when you do the incorrect thing really, what are you gonna gain from it? I mean yeah, maybe you'll learn a lesson or two, it is sort of like gaining something. If learning a lesson isn't gaining then you wouldn't have moved a space forward but yet you would of stayed in the exact same place. So, really you can't say you don't gain nothing from it. Other than that though, Honestly you can't gain anything else. For example, like cheating on a test. Yeah, of course you gonna get that 100% score on it, raise your grade, and be celebrated for. Yeah it might work doing for the whole year of high school and meeting them graduation requirements.  But once you get to college or take those exams, really, you won't have any idea of what to do since all you've learned through out the time you been doing is copying someone else's work. Now, that you carry your life by yourself, you have no one to depend on other than yourself.

R E C R E A T I O N     T H E R A P I S T

Duties & Responsibilities:
A systematic process that utilizes recreation and other activity-based interventions to address the assessed needs of individuals with illnesses or psychological and physical health, recovery and well being.


Bachelor's degree 

Demand for this particular career:
Employment of recreational therapist is projected to grow 7 percent from 2016 to 2026.

Image result for recreation therapist

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

S T U D E N T   S U C C E S S   S T A T E M E N T

Image result for Pam knox

"It's a great moment when someone has character to step up
 and do the right thing at the right time."
- Pam Knox

What this statement means is that it really is a great experience to see someone help another at the right time, when they need it. Like maybe when someone is getting bullied at school. You do the right thing by standing up for them or trying your all for them to stop. You are doing the correct method of being a better person for yourself and others. Being there for someone, even if you don't really know them and assisting or doing something throughout the problem they are going through. And seeing an individual acting that way really is something to behold. It's showing how wonderful people can really be. How these people give out an example to others about choosing the right and doing what's best for that specific moment. It is quite heart warming to see, in all means, see the best in people, see the best in humanity. 

R A D I O L O G I C    T E C H N O L O G I S T 

Duties & Responsibilities:
These are personnel who perform diagnostics imaging examinations and administer radiation therapy treatments.


associate's degree & bachelor's degree

Needs for profession:
-attention to detail
-firm grasp on mathematics
-physical stamina
-operate complex machinery

Image result for radiologic technologist

Thursday, April 12, 2018

S T U D E N T   S U C C E S S   S T A T E M E N T 

Image result for karl g maeser

" I have been asked what I mean by 'word of honor.' I will tell you: Place me behind prison walls- walls of stone ever so high, ever so thick, reaching ever so far into the ground- there is a possibility that in some way or another I might be able to escape; but stand me on the floor and draw chalk line around me and have me give my word of honor never to cross it. Can I get out of that circle? No, never! I'd die first."
- Karl G. Maeser

What this quote means is that keeping your word of honor is really something that builds up your reputation. It shows how responsible and how trustworthy you are and can be. You go through your day in order to keep what you offered to do. It is basically like keeping a promise to someone. If you break what you promised to do, then of course they're gonna lose trust in you and will stop telling you things, or just stop making plans with you. I mean, I really don't blame them if they ever do something  like that to you. If you were to lazy to follow through or just saw it as a bother, why say it? You are showing how the other individuals in your life that you give your word of honor to, aren't enough for you to go out of you way for. It ruins your reputation as a friend, it can also affect your work place. If you're too lazy to do what your boss tells you then you will probably end up losing that job. Same thing with school, aren't keeping your word to do your homework, or studying for a test later on in the week, You will be letting your parents down, your teachers, and most of all, yourself. Keep your word if you ever say it, it is better said than done. 

X - R A Y   T E C H N I C I A N 

Duties & Responsibilities:
They are technicians that use cutting edge imagery to show the insides of a human body. They contribute by creating pictures in order to help other doctors help deal with the illness or injury the patient may have.


Associate's degree/ Bachelor's degree

Needs for profession:
- Communication
-Mechanical Aptitude
-Critical thinking

Image result for x ray technician

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

T H E   T E N   I N D I A N   C O M M A N D M E N T S

1) Treat the Earth and all that dwells            6) Do what you know to be right.
therein with respect.                                                 
                                                                         7) Look after the well being of mind and body.
2) Remain close to the great Great Spirit.
                                                                           8) Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good.
3) Show great respect to your fellow beings.
                                                                              9) Be truthful and honest at all times.
4) Work together for the benefit of man kind.
                                                                                 10) Take full responsibility for your actions.
5) Give assistance and kindness wherever needed.

R E F L E C T I O N:

What these commandments are implying is the greater good for this planet and this race of humanity. Really, not only the Native Indian tribes should follow these commandments but so should everyone else. It would really make anyone a better person as a whole. Show to be responsible, respectful, trustworthy, kind, spiritual, and etc. Make you feel really good about yourself and about everyone around you. Following these ten can really change your life around, truthfully. There should be alot more people like them.

R A D I A T I O N   O N C O L O G I S T

Duties & Responsibilities: 
A specialized physician who uses radiation to treat cancer


Bachelor's degree/ complete medical school

Demand for this Particular Career:
Shortage upon oncologist upon the year of 2020

Image result for radiation oncologist

Friday, April 6, 2018

S T U D E N T    S U C C E S S   S T A T E M E N T

Image result for alexander hamilton

"A promise can never be broken."

- Alexander Hamilton

Society and relationships current in times are all about trust, I am sure to everyone trust is something really important to make and have. A designation to keep your word is all in the sake of your reputation with others. It matters to everyone that you do what you claim, and most importantly to yourself. Really, if someone made you a promise, like a personal promise,and they break it, how would you feel? What will you think of them? I would see them as careless, or I was not really important enough to be attended. I would be upset with them, like if we were planning to do something and they do not show up, why did they promise to be there if they weren't. Why did they not tell me ahead of time that they can't make it or they have something that came up instead of leaving me hanging. It is rude to do so, so keep your promises.

P U L M O N A R Y    M E D I C A L   P H Y S I C I A N

Duties & Responsibilities:
Someone who possesses specialized knowledge and skill in the diagnosis and treatment of lung diseases and conditions.


Doctorate degree/ Bachelor's degree/ Advanced degree

Demand for this Particular Career:
- Percision
- Focus
- Cautious
Image result for pulmonary medicine physician

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

 S T U D E N T   S U C C E S S   S T A T E M E N T

"Goodness is the only investment that never fails."

Image result for henry david thoreau

Henry David Thoreau

What this quote signifies is that making the correct or right choice is always paid back positively. Always do good to gain good. Everyone should invest on doing the right thing in order to benefit their life to a correct path. If making the wrong choices throughout your life span, only negatives you will have for those choices you made. Like that one certain catchphrase, whatever you give comes back to you


Duties & Responsibilities:
Studies normal and abnormal mental states from emotional, cognitive, and social processes.


Master's or Doctoral degree/ Bachelor's Degree

Needs for Profession:
- Communication
- Patience
- Ethics
Image result for psychologist

C L A S S   E V A L U A T I O N Things I enjoyed about this class is that is very easy going. The people are alright, they aren&#...