Wednesday, June 6, 2018

C L A S S   E V A L U A T I O N

  1. Things I enjoyed about this class is that is very easy going. The people are alright, they aren't too bad. Writing about certain things also I enjoyed, well, depending on the things we are writing about. Overall this class is one of the three classes I can sort of relax in before attending other classes. It's an easy grade, the work isn't something stressing or so on, so I really liked that.
  2. Things I disliked about the class was well, some statements or quotes that we've done over the semester I don't really approve on. Not to be rude, some didn't really seem reasonable. Another thing I disliked about this class was well, we don't really get to socialize with other people as much, just the people around us or that sits next to us which, I don't really mind but it would of been nice socializing more with others. We were kind of treated like 6 or 7 year old to be honest, in my opinion of course, which I sort of hated.
  3. More social activities is one I would recommend for the class on improving. Another thing is, adding more subjects that the kids would be interested on doing work upon once in a while.
  4. Well to be completely honest, not really. I have so much on my plate everyday of my life to go on my journal and write about future goals. I mean I have an idea on what I want my future life to be but, I do agree that it might help me keep track of my goals so I will come around doing so maybe, or not.
  5. Not exactly, I'm not mostly a CTR person, I'm not perfect on making choices, I make mistakes just like any normal human does. Truly, I mean I like the life I live even if isn't completely CTR.
  6. Some things I learned from this class is some quotes on choosing the  

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C L A S S   E V A L U A T I O N Things I enjoyed about this class is that is very easy going. The people are alright, they aren&#...