Wednesday, February 21, 2018

S T U D E N T    S U C C E S S   S T A T E M E N T

Image result for benjamin franklin

"Great beauty, great strength, and great riches are really and truly of no great use; a right heart exceeds all."
- Benjamin Franklin

What this quote means is that you can be have so many qualities, like money, be attractive, or even be strong. Really, those certain things don't really define you as the person that you are. A good heart does, or a wonderful personality. I have met and i have seen some people with riches and their personality being the nastiest i have encountered. Or maybe instead of using their riches to help their community out, they waste it on worthless things. Maybe a certain individual's looks are quite out of this world, and you judge on appearance at first before talking to them. Thinking that this person can be this or that or just seem like a wonderful individual but once you talk to them they might either be  what you thought or completely rude. So basically what I'm trying to say is that you can't just judge someone by how they look and have without even talking to them or trying to know how they are. Also, to be a phenomenal human being you do not need all those qualities to be loved and appreciated but only need someone who cares and has a heart of gold. 

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